An elderly neighbor once smiled after Joe fixed his front door, and said:

"If you want something done, ask a busy person". 

Joe loves being busy and is currently open to new clients in all areas of product innovation, ideation, project management, prototyping and testing.

Joe was the kid who disassembled appliances and radios and turned them into new functioning things.  From 6th grade-on, he worked summers learning how things work; construction, welding, repairing appliances and furniture, carpentry, fixing farm equipment but the most important lesson he absorbed was how the customer comes first. 

Joe recieved a BS in General Physics and a minor in music and art. He's taken tens of courses in project management, innovation and design, engineering disciplines, team dynamics, statistics and process control, and of course, Yacht Design.


He's innovated in the areas of thin-film photovoltaics, manufacturing engineering, medical diagnostics, defense, medical devices, skin and hair care devices, electric propulsion, solar propulsion, wearables, outdoors equipment, and musical instruments.


Joe is currently a panelist and writer focusing on solar marine propulsion, and give talks about electric boating at boat shows.  He also currently works with startups through global consumer product firms who are trying to improve people's lives with innovative products.  Most of his clients remain un-named for reasons of confidentiality.